Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Grinch Crinkle Cookies

Earlier today, I posted about our 25 days of Christmas and how last year we made these Grinch Crinkle Cookies:

I found a recipe on http://tastykitchen.com and modified it slightly for our liking (and what we already had). 

6 Tablespoons Butter
1 cup Powdered Sugar
1 teaspoon Cornstarch
1 box of cake mix (we used white, the recipe called for French Vanilla originally)
2 Eggs
1 bottle of green food coloring

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Melt the butter and set aside to cool. 

In a shallow bowl, mix the powdered sugar and cornstarch with a fork. 

In a large bowl, mix the cooled butter, cake mix and eggs. It will be a little tough to stir together. Add the green food coloring and make sure it is all mixed in. 

(we added a step of let the child lick the beaters once mixed)

Take two spoons and drop a blob of the dough into the powdered sugar mixture. 
Move it around with a spoon until it is mostly covered in the powdered mixture. 

Once it is coated, roll into a ball and place it on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet. 

Bake for about 9 minutes. Take out of the oven and cool on the pan for one minute, then move to a cooling rack. 

Then take a picture with your best grinch face and enjoy your cookies. 

 These were really soft, moist cookies as they were made with cake mix rather than traditional cookie mixes. They were a big hit in our family and were gone quickly!


  1. These look so good, and how fun would it be to bake these before or after watching The Grinch?! I am pinning it now. --Becky

    1. That's what we did last year, we read the book, then made these and while they were baking we watched the old cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas! They were delicious!

  2. We accidently mixed the powdered sugar and corn startch in with the cake mix, so it did not turn out the best

    1. Oh no! You'll definitely have to try again, they're delicious!
